Is CQB training important?

Room clearing 101

When it comes to clearing a room or passageway there are tons of techniques and problems to solve along the way. To really unpack it would take more than 300 words that’s for sure but things to keep top of mind that I often see people getting caught out on is breaking your hard line, tac reloads and transitioning the weapon between shoulders.

Breaking your hard line is the imaginary line that separates you from your enemy’s field of view, moving your leg past this line not only exposes it to gun fire, but if you do take a hit, you risk potentially falling into the line of fire as that leg gives way. The key is to keep your leg and foot behind your hard line, not only does that keep your femoral artery out of harms way but if you did take a hit you would more likely fall into the barricade instead of away from it into potential enemy fire.

We often drill tac reloads to death but being able to execute one smoothly is only half of it. The timing is something we all get wrong sometimes especially when your adrenaline is pumping. I have made the mistake of clearing a few rooms and stacking up to a closed door just to breach it with a single round left in the chamber. Make sure you take that extra second of engaging to take a beat, perform a tac reload, and then continue problem solving – don’t do what I did in the video below ????

Transitioning the weapon between shoulders is highly situational dependent and not an easy thing to do. Many guys say there is no need to transition between shoulders and if that’s the way you like to run your gun so be it, I personally see an advantage to being able to shoot well out of both shoulders because you expose a lot less of yourself vs sticking to just your stronger side. It’s a handy tool to have in your belt in case you are limit with cover and space to move.

Those are just a few quick tips to help you elevate your weapon craft to the next level.

Urban Patriot recommends running the below gear for a highly effective CQB training session:

Build a Holster

OWB Holster
