Is dry fire training important?

I have been running the SIRT training pistols for almost 6 years now and often when people see me using them, they ask me if it’s worth the investment and if dry fire training improves your shooting?

The simple answer is that some form of dry fire training does help and in fact I think it forms a crucial foundation for your shooting. Unless you live on a gun range you can’t get out to the range every day, and even if your backyard was a gun range it can be very expensive to ring steel daily unless you have very deep pockets. This is where dry fire training can really help, because as well all know to build up that speed and muscle memory you need to do something as many times as you can.

Increasing your draw speed as well reloads can all be achieved through dry fire drills, and the best part is you can do them at home. However, you can take it a step further than that. You can set up home targets to help you practice transitioning, you can practice clearing your house – something you should be doing once a month as a rule anyways. You can train complex 360-degree drills safely with reactive targets, and the list goes on and on.

I think dry fire training complements your live fire training and although it will never replace it, I honestly believe it is crucial in reaching your true potential as a shooter. Just 15 minutes a day training various techniques will yield massive results on the live fire range, and if you don’t believe me give it a go and see for yourself.

Urban Patriot recommends the below world class dry fire training aids to setup a smokeless in your home or training facility.

Target Systems

Keiron Speed
